Tag Archives: Sarah M. Anderson

Sarah M. Anderson on Cowboys and LEGO: A Book Trailer Reveal

Hello! You see we have Sarah M. Anderson starting off February with us – there has been some build up of her A Real Cowboy book trailer reveal, and it premieres HERE! AT ALBTALBS! \o/ WHEE! She’s also got a giveaway too. šŸ˜€

A Real Cowboy: Brick by Brick! Book Trailer Reveal!

I was talking about book trailers with a friend of mine a few months ago and was lamenting that most people seemed to use their kidsā€™ Barbie dolls. But I donā€™t have a daughter or Barbies. I have a son and Legos. Lots and lots of Legos.

Then it hit me. I HAVE LEGOS.

Of course, my son wouldnā€™t just let me have full access to his Legos (even though I paid for them) without some input. So we formed a little company, Mother & Son Productions, and started making book trailers together.

Our first trailer was for Mystic Cowboy. The biggest challenge was, um, ā€˜arrangingā€™ the Legos for certain scenes without, you know, emotionally scarring my son for life.

So hereā€™s Mystic Cowboy: Brick by Brick!

The Mystic Cowboy book trailer was such as success that we decided to make more! (Iā€™m also hoping that one day, he wins an Oscar for cinematography and takes his loving mother to the Oscars. Hey, a girl can dream, canā€™t she?) In fact, Iā€™m going to be offering up one Brick by Brick! Book trailer for the Brenda Novak Diabetes Auction in a few months. Yes, you too could have your very own Mother & Son book trailer!

So without further ado, I present the latest entry into the Mother & Son oeuvre, A Real Cowboy: Brick by Brick!

What do you think? One lucky reader will win a e-copy of A Real Cowboy and everyone who comments will be entered to win a Simple Touch Nook!

Now that she’s found him, how can she let go?
Producer Thalia Thorne’s career is on the line. She’s promised to lure James Robert Bradley back to the limelight, no matter what it takes. But once in Montana, she sees that J.R. has built a new life for himself–as a real-life cowboy–and Thalia finds it hard to resist the man he’s become….

Then a blizzard strikes. Suddenly they’re alone, with only body heat to keep them warm.When the snow melts, she’ll have to choose: go back to the big city–or sacrifice everything for the man she can’t let go.

A Real Cowboy is available for order!

About the Author: Award-winning author Sarah M. Anderson may live east of the Mississippi River, but her heart lies out west on the Great Plains. With a lifelong love of horses and two history teachers for parents, it wasnā€™t long before her characters found themselves out in South Dakota among the Lakota Sioux. Ā She loves to put people from two different worlds into new situations and to see how their backgrounds and cultures take them someplace they never thought theyā€™d go.

When not helping out at school or walking her rescue dogs, Sarah spends her days having conversations with imaginary cowboys and American Indians, all of which is surprisingly well-tolerated by her wonderful husband and son. You can learn more about Sarah at her website.

Review: Mystic Cowboy by Sarah M. Anderson

Liz’s Review

Mystic Cowboy by Sarah M. Anderson
Western romance released by Samhain Publishing on January 1, 2013

One good man could drive her all kinds of crazy.

Men of the White Sandy, Book 1

Just who does Rebel Runs Fast think he is? Dr. Madeline Mitchell, the new doctor on the White Sandy Lakota Indian Reservation, knows thereā€™s a good answer to that question. Somewhere.

Sure, the Lakota medicine man is every cowboy-and-Indian fantasy she ever had, but he sends patients to sweat lodges instead of clinical trials, talks them out of flu vaccines. Even more irritating, he makes her heart race.

Rebel swore off the white manā€™s worldā€”and its womenā€”years ago. Madeline doesnā€™t speak the language, understand the customs, or believe heā€™s anything more than a charlatan. Yet she stays, determined to help his people. And he keeps finding excuses to spend more time at the clinic.

When he discovers her in the throes of dangerous heat stroke, Rebelā€™s efforts to cool her down set fire to a passion neither thought they wanted. But when the people start falling violently ill, the cultural gap stretches the connection between their hearts to the breaking pointā€¦

Warning: This book contains smoking-hot skinny dipping, emotional and emotionally satisfying sex, and a shirtless cowboy who is also an Indian.

When I got into reading romance novels during my first pregnancy, after a long affair with mysteries, one of the types of books that I always looked for were the Native American/Settler historical romances. Ā If it took place during pioneer times, with a restless heroine looking for something to tickle her fancy and a shirtless young man waiting in the brush to steal her away to his camp and make her his bride, I would snatch it up right away. Ā Loved them. Ā Devoured them. Ā Still enjoy them. Ā So when I saw the description for a contemporary romance taking place on a Lakota Sioux reservation, I was more than willing to indulge. Ā I havenā€™t read anything by Sarah before, but I loved the premise. Ā Overzealous, under-informed white woman doctor tries to make a difference on a Lakota reservation and tries extremely hard not to fall in love with the local medicine man? Ā Sign me up!

First, Iā€™ll say that this book felt very real to me. Ā I have read a great deal about the current situation on reservations in our country, and itā€™s appalling. Ā People live with nothing and are glad for what they have. Ā People like the ones portrayed on the White Sandy Indian Reservation in this book are happy to just have groceries. Ā Itā€™s easy to see that Sarah has done her research, and that helped me to connect to the characters and fall in love with the world she built.

Dr. Madeline Mitchell has excellent intentions when she signs up for two years as the reservation doctor. Ā What she doesnā€™t expect is the awful conditions that sheā€™s expected to work in, between the lack of funding from the government for basic supplies to the language barrier she faces between the older residents who speak only a bare amount of English. Ā Immediately she butts heads with the medicine man, Rebel Runs Fast, cursing his good looks and charm as she watches him direct her patient to his sweat lodge instead of a hospital for treatments. Ā When the book begins, Madeline is escaping from a failed relationship and an uptight world, hoping to make a difference. Ā An icy exterior and a cold glare that can stop a man at twenty paces are her hallmarks, as well as her ability to leap to insane conclusions and not let people speak their minds fully. Ā Sheā€™s immature at times, in her views on life and love and men, but sheā€™s also driven, dedicated, and honorable, qualities that more than make up for her flaws.

Rebel Runs Fast is a sexy surprise a minute. Ā From one moment to the next, the reader is treated to another layer of the depth that brings us closer to finding out just who Rebel is and why he walks the line between two worlds. Ā On one hand, a talented artist that poses for publicity shots and uses his earnings to help his people. On the other hand, a spiritual guide, medicine man, and full blooded Lakota who loves his people and wants to be there for them in every possible way. Ā It seems impossible for both sides of the man – Jonathan the artist and Rebel the Lakota – to exist at the same time, and this constant struggle kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book. Ā Even the romance aspect of the book kept me wondering, made me not want to put the book down. Ā I love it when an author makes you work for the love and doesnā€™t just hand it to you. Ā Rebel suffers in this book between his duty to his people and his desires as a man, and I suffered right along with him.

The romance between Madeline and Rebel is wonderful, and when they finally get together, things get hot very fast. Ā Even in the middle of the hot lovinā€™, thereā€™s this undercurrent of tension that heightens all of it. Ā Can Madeline live in his world? Ā Could he let her go if she couldnā€™t?

Rebel has a vision of his people dying, and when they begin to grow sick, the only person he can count on is Madeline. Ā Through this plot, the reader is reminded of the atrocities brought on the native people by the white man. Ā Itā€™s not done in a finger pointing, shaming sort of way, but rather brought about with compassion and yearning for things to be different. Ā Can one person really make a difference in a situation that seems so hopeless? Ā The book, even though itā€™s fiction, answers that question in a most amazing way.

I loved the secondary characters. Ā Madelineā€™s family has dwindled down to only her sister, Mellie, due to the deaths of their parents. Ā Mellie at first comes across as a flighty debutante, but like many of the characters, sheā€™s not just a one-dimensional character. Ā The clinic where Madeline works is full of amazing characters, from Albert, who sweeps the floors and speaks little English, to Nobody Bodine, Rebelā€™s friend and a man determined to find out why his people are getting sick, to Tara, who works at the clinic with Madeline. Ā Each character was rich and vibrant and made the story come alive. Ā And I canā€™t say enough about Nobody…he rocked my world. Ā Love him so much, I sincerely hope the author is planning another book in this series because I will pounce on that like nobodyā€™s business!

This book was such a pleasure to read that I was sorry when it was over. Ā Itā€™s one of those books that when it was finished and Iā€™d read the last word, I cuddled my Kindle a little closer and grinned like an idiot. Ā A rollercoaster ride from beginning to end, with dynamic characters, a rich background and history, a touch of supernatural element with Rebelā€™s visions, a mystery to be solved, and lives to be saved, this book grabbed me by the throat from the first word and didnā€™t let go until my eyes passed over the very last word. Ā Now that Iā€™ve read one of Sarahā€™s books, I canā€™t wait to read more.

Grade: Ā A

You can buy a copy here.

Guest: Sarah M. Anderson

Hi everyone! As you can see we’ve got author Sarah M. Anderson visiting with us today! She just had her very first book come out, so congratulations and happy new release to her! You might also “know” her from the lovely charity drive for the Pine Ridge Reservation she started here – remember that? Um also, if you read her bio, it says “I got … a Master’s of Arts in English from The Ohio State University.” Which basically means she’s awesome. Because she’s a Buckeye. (And if she doesn’t love being a Buckeye and/or Buckeye football *she’s not welcome here anymore.)

So, my debut novel, A Man of His Word, came out last week. Chances are, you can find it just about anywhere you look (unless youā€™re looking in a town where my grandmother shops, because she keeps buying them en masse and then telling me she doesnā€™t know what sheā€™ll do with all these extra books). I had two signings in two days, which felt like a lot.

My very first book is out! And people bought it! This meant I needed to have a party!

Except thereā€™s a problem: I donā€™t ā€˜haveā€™ parties. Iā€™m not even a huge fan of going to parties, because parties usually mean pressureā€”pressure to be witty and charming and look good in my clothes while being witty and charming and not getting the spinach dip stuck in my teeth. Especially not that.

In other words, I usually freeze up any social gathering thatā€™s anything other than casual.

But this was different! This is my debut! I had to have a party! Or else!

Oh, that ā€˜or else.ā€™ A lot of people wanted to celebrate with me. I had mom friends come with their kids because my kid was at this party and I wanted other people there to entertain him. I had family come, some from over five hours away. Retired neighbors, one of my bosses, and donā€™t forget my 96 Ā¾ year old Gram. I had local friends come, and I had one of my oldest friends comeā€”all the way from Texas. She brought me a quiltā€”that had my book cover on it! Isn’t that the most cool thing ever?

In other words, I had a fairly schizophrenic guest list. Which lead to an immediate problem: what do you feed this wide swath of humanity?

The answer? Dessert.Ā  God blessed me with a husband who views baking as a form of relaxation, so he made cookies, brownies, and cupcakes. We had gift cards to TCBY, so we got an ice cream cake. And, because this was my party, I decided to go big (because the party was already in my home): I ordered a book cake. A cake that looked like my book.

Cake made by Cakes by Kimberly

Oh, yeah! You know how ā€˜theyā€™ say everyone has a book inside of them? Even more true when you party with me!

Totally awesome. And even better? It was a tasty cake. I got a layer of strawberry cake between two layers of French vanilla. My son insisted he get to eat the part with the horseā€™s head on it. I tried not to think about how weird that could be. Heā€™s never even seen The Godfather, after all.

Of course, I ordered a cake that would have fed a small village, so weā€™re going to be eating this cake for most of the rest of the winter. But thatā€™s okay.

Each bite of publishing tastiness will be just as sweet.

Iā€™m giving away one signed copy of A Man of His Word to a commenter who tells me what the neatest/weirdest/ugliest cake they ever ate was. I want all of your cake glory and heartbreak!

This post is brought to you as part of the A Man of His Word Blog Tour. U.S. residents only. For a complete tour schedule and rules, visit www.sarahmanderson.com. Comments on this blog will be entered to win a signed copy of A Man of His Word. All blog comments are added to the Jewelry Grand Prize list. Jewelry Grand Prize announced on January 1st, 2012 to one randomly drawn name on the list.

Attorney Rosebud Donnelly has a case to win. And she never lets anyone see her sweat. But her first meeting with Dan Armstrong doesnā€™t go according to script. No one warned her that the COO of the company sheā€™s fighting would be soā€¦manly. From his storm-colored eyes to his well-worn boots, Dan is an honest-to-goodness cowboy. But is he honest? Her yearning for the Texas tycoon goes against reason, against family loyalty, against everything she thought she believed in. And yet, in Danā€™s strong arms, Rosebud feels she might be ready to risk everything for one more kissā€¦.

Bio: Award-winning author Sarah M. Anderson may live east of the Mississippi River, but her heart lies out west on the Great Plains. With a lifelong love of horses and two history teachers for parents, it wasnā€™t long before her characters found themselves out in South Dakota among the Lakota Sioux. She loves to put people from two different worlds into new situations and to see how their backgrounds and cultures take them someplace they never thought theyā€™d go.

When not helping out at school or walking her rescue dog, Sarah spends her days having conversations with imaginary cowboys and American Indians, all of which is surprisingly well-tolerated by her wonderful husband and son.

*I was just joking about the her not being welcome bit. Maybe. >.> (And yes, I know some of you are fans of other schools, even M*ch*g*n … and you’re welcome here too. Remember when I even [let] someone say “Go Bl*e” in the comments? šŸ˜‰ But Sarah went to The Ohio State University. So that changes things.