Tag Archives: Slave to Sensation

Special Nalini Singh Giveaway

Today, Kiss of Snow is available to the general public. Finally, us little people who have been writhing with jealousy at all those advance reviews can get our hands on a shiny new copy! And even more exciting, the e-copy is available the same day as the paper copy! As someone who has turned entirely to digital reading… that’s a big deal 😀

Anyway, I’ve been waiting for Hawke and Sienna’s book for at least two years. I remember checking Nalini Singh‘s webpage in either ’08 or ’09 and having this reaction: Nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

So anyway, all those little excerpts that have been posted that I couldn’t resist now fit as parts into a whole. I’ve steadily ignored all reviews – but everyone has been saying this book is awesome, and worth the hardcover price. (Yup, this book is hardcover, the first in the series in this format.)

I asked Ms. Singh about doing a “Guest Author & A Giveaway” post, but at that point I was scheduling into 2012 and she declined, based on the variables of her schedule and I was asking her about something over a year in advance. However, she’s super generous, so she’s offered a giveaway here! What’s the prize? A super swanky copy of Slave to Sensation. (My apologies – it’s not a copy of Kiss of Snow, as way back in February Nalini told me the list publicity had was already super long, so I figured, a sure thing is better than no thing, yes? Anyway we can go out and buy our copies of KoS “together.”)

There’s also a reason for this, actually, Nalini offered Slave to Sensation because it’s the first book in the series. So if you haven’t read any of the Psy/Changeling books, here’s your chance! Or, if you love the series that much, and really like signed copies of books… it’s a golden opportunity!

So leave a comment today for your chance to win! (And of course if you already have a copy, I hope you’ll chat with us anyway, and just let me know you already have the book.) Quick note – the winner will be chosen via randomizer.org and posted on Saturday – it’s your responsibility to check back at the blog.

Have you read the books in this series? (I’m a book or two behind as of Mid-May, so I’ve got a little bit of time to catch up :D.) What do you think of shifters? Have a favorite type of shifter? If you’ve read the books, which character is your favorite?

Would you want to be Psy, Changeling, or Human?

And since I can’t ever be not long-winded… to explain: I also badgered poor Nalini about this because… tomorrow it’s June! And June is my Birthday Month. So I want everyone to love it as much as I do, so it’ll be giveaway palooza up in here. Stay tuned! 😉