It’s another AAD Author Spotlight! It’s also 4:19 AM so… sorry I’m not terribly witty. Seems unfair to Stacey Kennedy but I think the most important thing is the post going live, don’t you? Sidenote – if you’re one of the lucky ones going to N’awlins in the end of summer … I just watched the New Orleans episode of “Best Thing I Ever Ate” today. So many places and things you must go to!
Oh my gosh – and it’s her first conference!
Big thanks for having me by today! Authors After Dark will be here before we know it! And I’m SO excited. It’s my first convention and the scheduled events are going to be so fun. I’m one of the authors that’s doing the pub crawl, so I really hope y’all sign up and join us! I’m expecting it to be a great event and I’m bringing lots of goodies with me!!
A while back I was making the decision on what convention to go to. There are quite a few and I knew I’d only get the chance to go to one this year. When I heard AAD was going to be in New Orleans, I knew in a split second that I was going. I’ve always wanted to travel there, plus being surrounded by people who love books as much as I do—yeah, it was a given! So then, I got to thinking…what am I going to do there?
I was so happy that I didn’t need to think very hard on this. AAD did a fabulous job with hitting everything that anyone would want to do there. I’ve signed up for the vampire tour, the taste of New Orleans, the wicked bliss chocolate event, and the New Orleans dinner. I mean, really, does it get much better than that?
I’m also planning to do a ghost tour and I will definitely hit up New Orleans night life at least once (probably more) when I’m there. So yes, while I’m excited to be a part AAD, I’m honestly just as happy to be in New Orleans. For a writer who loves the supernatural, it really is the place to be.
On top of all this greatness and even though I’m going as an author, I still plan to go total fan- girl on some of my favorite authors who are attending! I’m counting down the days to the event and am looking forward to meeting all of you that I talk to every day on the internet! It’s going to be a total blast!!
So, tell me, what events have you signed up for? Will we be hanging together at AAD?
In thanks for stopping by and chatting today, I’m offering up one ebook from my backlist (international). Leave your email address with your comment to be entered. Don’t forget to come find me on Facebook and Twitter. I love to chat!!
So friends – got a question for Ms. Kennedy? Have you ever been to a conference before? Or New Orleans? Got a tip for Ms. Kennedy? (Other than you know, the freaking amazing advice Abigail Barnette shared…)
If none of those questions catches your fancy… I want to know about you. If you went to a conference, who would you most like to meet? What would you do? Or if you went to New Orleans – what places would you want to go to and where would you go to eat?