Hi friends! A little stressed in Lime central, so my apologies. And unfortunately, the numbers have reflected that – so come on and show Jessica Jarman some love! It’s also a fabulous post – and look at her gorgeous pictures!
Thank you, Limecello, for having me on your blog today. I’m really excited about Authors After Dark, and writing this blog post upped the excitement even more as the date is coming faster and faster.
One of the things I’m looking forward to the most, aside from catching up with friends and meeting readers, is visiting New Orleans. I’ve never been there, but have always wanted to. As I was thinking about what to write about, I started imagining the trip and the things I’d see and experience while there. And that gave me the idea to write about the top three places I’d like to visit, and my three favorite places to visit. So here we go, starting with my dream destinations…
New Orleans—Obviously, this is on my list, and I’m looking forward to exploring the city. I love architecture, and I know I won’t be disappointed when I’m there.

And the food…oh, I’m looking forward to the yummies. Beignets and café au lait, maybe some gumbo… YUM. 

*stomach rumbles* I really shouldn’t be writing about this before dinner time! 😛
Italy—I’ve always wanted to visit Italy. I’m sure I have it built up on my mind, but I’d love to explore the countryside and the architecture of Rome. And do I even need to mention Italian food? Nope, didn’t think so. Italy is a country with so much history and sites to explore, I’m certain I’d leave wanting more. 

Ireland—Saved the biggest dream for last. For as long as I can remember, I’ve desperately wanted to visit Ireland. I honestly can’t pinpoint what the draw is exactly… I just know I love looking at pictures of the countryside, old ruins, stone circles… The history calls to me, and I am bound and determined to make it one day!

Now, for my favorite places…ones I’ve been to. 🙂
Anywhere my family is—As corny as it sounds, it’s true. I even go to ball games and camp for this bunch, and anyone who knows me, knows how much I dislike camping. But for them, I do it and actually enjoy myself! 
Riviera Maya, Mexico—A couple years ago, my husband and I were lucky enough to take a trip to Riviera Maya and stay at an all-inclusive resort. Now, with four kids, our time away has always been a bit limited, and we hadn’t been on a trip alone together since our honeymoon many years before. While there, we snorkeled along the reef, visited an ecological park, and saw the ruins at Tulum. We also had plenty of time to just sit by the pool or ocean and sip margaritas. It was a wonderful vacation, and it quickly became one of my favorite places—though I suspect some of that is due to the company I was keeping. 😉 

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan—Ah, home, sweet home. I grew up in the UP—way, way up there. See the peninsula sticking up on the western part of the Upper Peninsula? That’s the Keweenaw Peninsula, and I grew up in Calumet. 
There were things not so great about living in a small town, but now that I live in the suburbs of a larger metropolitan area, I see how good I had it. Being able to hop on my bike and ride to Lake Superior…Oh yeah, those were good times. The area has a great history; it as a huge copper mining area. And interestingly enough, Calumet almost became the capital of Michigan… It lost by one vote to Lansing. The town is now a National Historic Park. But it’s not just the town I love; it’s the entire area. With my family living there, we get to visit often. In fact, I’ll be heading up there with some amazing author friends next month for a little retreat in a lakeside cottage, then I’ll be camping (*groan*) with the fam over the week of the Fourth. I’ve been thinking of some places to visit while up there with my buddies—and there is no shortage of options. One place on the list for sure, is a day trip to Copper Harbor. It is absolutely gorgeous. Check it out! (though this was taken in the fall, not summer.) Isn’t it beautiful? 
My latest release, Secrets and Spells, is set in the UP. It seemed the perfect fit when I was deciding where my fictional little town should be. It was easy to picture it in my head because I’ve travelled through so many small towns up there. I wanted somewhere that was close enough to “civilization” but still surrounded by nature. The UP was perfect.
Here is the blurb from Secrets and Spells.

Anxious for a change and wanting to learn more about her late mother and where she came from, Thalia Wells accepts a job in the small town of Parrish. As she settles into her new life, she begins to notice unsettling oddities about her new home.
Gray is used to secrets. Being a witch and living in a town of people with magical abilities means living with secrets. But keeping Thalia in the dark kills him especially when it brings her pain.
Thalia doesn’t believe in magic and had given up on happily ever after, but can she find both with Gray?
I’m looking forward to revisiting the UP…in person, and when I visit the town of Parrish again. 🙂
Thank you again for having me on your blog, Limecello. I had a blast travelling in my head, and hoped everyone enjoyed the ride with me!
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Where would you want to go? Or where have you gone? Where is your favorite place? Horribly terrible of me and I’m hijacking but… I’ve been to New Orleans and the Upper Peninsula! The latter is gorgeous. Also, who can hate on fresh water? Amazing stuff. Great Lakes FTW!
But also – if you answer our questions/chat with us… well Ms. Jarman has offered up two copies of her books. That’s right two lucky, and lovely commenters will win their choice of one of Jess’s books! Whee! How can you resist?