Tag Archives: Was Too Nice

Some Fun + Some Winners

*N.B. Well, I’ve had my first(?) publishing hiccup. Because everything is going to crap – I was starting out bitching then wanted to delete and my browser crashed and it decided to publish the post. O_o Which… NOT GOOD. Ahem. Now that I got that off my chest…

I know I’m starting to channel a broken record (and have I mentioned how much I love all you guys cuz you all actually know what that is?) – but I really hoped this wouldn’t happen again. And still hope it won’t. But, we’re doing this. Full disclaimer, this time I didn’t contact all the authors beforehand to see if they’d still honor the giveaways, because I felt rather confident they would. *knocks on wood*

If they don’t … well … please accept my heartfelt apologies. I’d like to offer some sort of other remedy that holds monetary value, but frankly I don’t know if I personally will be able to swing it.

Er, first, I’m pretty sure I eliminated all posts where authors already chose their winners. If not, I’m sorry. Please feel free to send me an angry email. (And honestly take advantage of it, because this is like the only time I’ll give you a pass. XD)

So anyway, here we go.

Cathy Maxwell‘s assistant wrote a post and offered a giveaway, and the winner is Maria.

Cathy Pegau visited and her winner is Mary.

Kate Meader talked about her foodie romance, and here, I have to say I can’t promise this prize because Kate offered an exclusive ALBTALBS prize pack… but I’m hoping she held on to it… keep your fingers crossed … June M.!

ALBTALBS friend and regular Theresa Romain was here and conniefischer wins the prize.

Katy Madison (who started out as Karen L. King) was our GA&AG – and I’m pretty sure sharonchalk  is a first time winner here! Whee! [This was June. Birthday month! So many more giveaways!]

Ruthie Knox shared an exclusive excerpt Miss Bates wins. (Another first timer!)

You guys, I got to meet Cynthia Eden in ATL and she is delightful. She is just the cutest little thing and I love her. And hate her. Because she’s so darn perfect. mathlady68 you win, you lucky duck.

Lisa Renee Jones also shared an exclusive excerpt as part of my Birthday Bash and how fun! Randomizer.org chose Lisa!

We then had birthday girl Jill Sorenson who is also a June Baby and TrishJ wins!

Ruthie Knox just couldn’t stay away, and yes she was back again 😉 but this time her winner is Mary Preston. (You know, a lot of these contest have 16 entries, which saved me work with the randomizer generator).

Valerie Bowman shares my birthday. (Yes, it’s my birthday :P) and ki pha you win!

Beverley Kendall was our July author GA&AG guest (haha I couldn’t help but laugh. I’m sorry, I’m laughing with you not at you) Blue Peanuts wins.

Amanda Usen visited and talked about making lists, which is probably something I should do. >.> Other than it’d just be one more thing for me to do… denise, randomizer.org chose you! Just like Pikachu! … Only not.

Kat Latham provided an exclusive excerpt in longstanding ALBTALBS style, and this time, later was better! JenM you win!

I put Courtney Milan to work on her birthday so *I* decided to give away one of her books. (Also :X I might have felt obligated to her because I often send her all the upsetting things. XD) So. melanie wins.

I finally got Holly to visit us and on her birthday so Aliquis cashes in on that. Literally.

Amber Polo posted an exclusive excerpt and 😀 I have to tell you, randomizer.org first chose Amber. But flchen1 wins. 🙂

J. Kenner was here and TinaB wins. => Just to check if any of you guys are reading… ALBTALBS got hit by some troll “Sarah” or whatever, and don’t worry, obviously that wasn’t counted as an entry for contests.

We’re in to August! Katharine Ashe was our GA&AG friend and Sebella Blue (@blueshedevil32) wins.

The incredible, the one, the only, the Empress of Erotica 😉 Megan Hart offered not only an exclusive excerpt, but also a giveaway of the shiny new Stranger and beth myers wins!

I got Sue Grimshaw to come and visit us on her birthday as well. (You see how I like birthdays? ;)) She very kindly said there would be FIVE winners – so they are maw25, Jane, bn100, Melody May, and Mary Preston.

Janelle Denison also visited us on her birthday and provided an exclusive excerpt of her Erika Wilde book. This wasn’t as much time as usual, but that’s ok. Her winner is Heather!

And last but definitely not least is PJ Schnyder. Diane P. Diamond, you win!

Whew! I emailed everyone with the address they used to enter (on the form) … so hopefully everyone used a valid one and not a crap contest one. 😉 [I’m pretty sure I didn’t forget anyone :X] Winners, just do what it says in the email. Cheers! I won’t even ignore if you if you don’t call me Limecello in the winner’s email. >.> This time… Heh. *angelface*

If you won this time, thank the randomizer.org gods. If you didn’t win… make sacrifices to the randomizer.org gods 😉 And… if you didn’t win anything, don’t despair. This video is winnings enough. Amirite? 😛

A hint, the video title is “Porn Sex vs Real Sex: The Differences Explained With Food ”