Tag Archives: What I’ve Been Reading

Your Reads, Our Reads, ALBTALBS March Reads!

So … we’re pretending it’s April for this post, okay? I’ve had a time of it, and then just stuff, and simply standing up feels like quite an accomplishment. Accordingly, I’m off schedule. Although, we should all know I should know better than to try to have a schedule, right? 😛 But on to the important stuff! Books! I know reviews have been sparse … none have been sent in, requests are piecemeal and I can’t handle email, so that’s what happens. (Or review myself, clearly.) Continue reading

What the ALBTALBS Crew Read: February Edition

Hi friends! So we’re back again with a list of everything I read in February! And some of the Review Crew’s read books or recommendations! Some of the books are/will be reviewed… Most will not. I’m just not built that way anymore. I do leave pseudo review/streams of consciousness over at Goodreads if you ever have the burning desire to understand the further ramblings of my brain. I’ll try to get the Review Crew members to write reviews to go live at ALBTALBS. 😉

As you see, this time I got the review crew in on it! I asked members of the review crew to send me a comprehensive list, or the books that they felt the most strongly about – either love or hate. (Of course they went positive. :P) Continue reading

What I’ve Been Reading: January Edition

Hello hello helloooooooo lady! Ladies. I’m clawing my way out of a ~seven year reading slump, and I figured I’d do something new. At the end of each month I’m going to list what I’ve read in the prior month. (This will *knocks on wood* give me enough time to update Goodreads, which is something I’m determined to do this year. Cuz I swear I’m fucking re-reading books without knowing it >.<)

In no real particular order… these are the books I read in January 2015. (This isn’t an exhaustive list … because certain books it was so complicated even a simple listing would be too much trouble.) I’ve been on a total Entangled Brazen kick. Somebody stop me. I’m just going to list the title, author, and grade. If I said anything more, it’d be in GoodReads. Continue reading